Yesterday I decided to take the day off from normal activities (laundry, picking up and generally being lazy) to find out what would happen if I really tried to knit all day. So with my seasons of Bones, I sat down with several new patterns and began. The sock from last week turned out really well. I actually finished it! And right after wards cast on the second sock just to make sure that it didn't get left behind. I'm at the gussets on numero dos, but I didn't pick it up at all yesterday. It sat on the stairs, looking sad each time I walked by.
Instead I chose a baby sock and baby bootie pattern to try. With super small needles I made one of each, the cutest little sock and bootie ever, and like the first sock might be the only one of each ever made. I'm currently looking for a one legged baby to give them too. The yarn turned out to be the wrong weight and only made the stitches super tight. My next project was a fantastic pair of slippers known as the french press felted slippers. Super popular on etsy and ravelry, I've craved these slippers since early January. I pulled out yarn from a different failed felting project and began. I'm not sure the total time it took to knit all the parts, maybe 4-5 hours including the seaming. I threw them into the washer and felted them! And felted them, and felted them. I'm tempted to throw them back in the washer! They are still way too long. I've felted before, but I've never had something not get too small. I'd rather have baby bootie sized slippers that I need to stretch back out. Plus the yarn doesn't felt pretty. It's nasty fuzzy... I'm at a loss. For now I'm going to shave them then felt them again. Hopefully all will work out.
Upon further thinking, I went back to ravelry and looked at some of the reviews from fellow knitters who have used the same yarn. Their projects turned out okay, not like others who used the suggested Pattons yarn, but okay. But I read some of the profiles about their yarn experience and several of them said they would never used it again. Huge bummer! There are so many colors of this yarn. If it felted well, I'd use only it. I guess I have to keep looking for ideal slipper/felting material.
So one baby sock, one baby bootie, and sad looking slippers. The result of a whole day of knitting. My only conclusion is that I need practice. Can't expect the first try to be perfect. So next Monday should improve! Right?! I'm committed to spending a whole day knitting and coming out with something amazing!
1 comment:
"I'm currently looking for a one legged baby to give them too." Classic.
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