In January I made the trip across Washington to see siblings and go to the U.S. Skating Championships. We saw the Men's Short program and were totally amazed at how many of the nations best fell! They fell all over the place. Jumps are so cool to watch on the TV, and I was worried that I would miss all the action and excitement by sitting up in the nosebleed section. In the end I wasn't so disappointed. At the time, my favorite part was the dueling zambonis!! Truly the Heroes of the event.
The day after the bottom freezing event was Brother Joe's Birthday! He turned 19 and in the family fashion we made a cake from scratch and decorated it with authentic buttercream icing! Yum!! This cake actually had dual purposes. We had just found out that Jen would be stationed in Texas after graduation with her buddy. Thus the Yellow Star! I know the song is the Yellow Rose of Texas, but whatever.
So aside from all that excitement I went to this amazing Yarn/Fiber/Spinning/Weaving warehouse! It was amazing. Paradise Fibers is the place to be/go for amazing yarn and fiber needs. Oh my goodness, the warehouse kept going on. Oh another room? It must be for all the spinning fiber and wheels. And another? Oh of course for all the sale yarn and weaving equipment. I made it out of the building with 2 lbs of roving to spin and a drop spindle. Jen also purchased roving and that night had spun it all and was craving more! Also my obsession with spinning wheels must be put on hold. I've accepted spinning by hand for fun, but for now spinning my own yarn is much too pricey and takes up a lot of room. The best part of the warehouse is that it's hidden right behind the Spokane Adult Warehouse! No kidding. I guess it has a more legit name now. Previously it was the Adult Toy Store? Something like that.
So what have I created lately? Well I finished the horrible sweater! A lovely lady from church invited some friends over to knit on a rather dreary Sunday afternoon. Once I had to sit down for hours and work on it I couldn't stop. The next day it was done. I spent the whole day blocking it. This may have been a mistake since it grew several sizes! What should have been the smallest size turned into one that wasn't even an option! My mother still wore it and says it's beautiful. But I can't let it go. Several of my stitches were wrong and made little holes show up on the back. And the twisted stitch in the horseshoe pattern didn't twist right.
So that evening I began my second sweater. On size 11 needles and holding 2 strings together of a much smaller yarn, I've made a much smaller sweater that is now too small for my mom. Oh well, I'll get it right sometime. I need to finish the sleeve caps and it will be complete. I'm pretty sure I'll belong to my sister soon. Hope she likes it!
My sister Barb inspired me on my next project. She's been creating amazing things with ruffles. Ruffles were evidently in this season. I was in Anacrossstitch, another amazing yarn shop, where I discovered ruffle yarn. Really a wide tape yarn that is woven. Anyways, I was inspired to create little spats with lovely ruffles. An elegant addition to any outfit. So yarn was bought and it sat, and sat, and sat. Until the Super Bowl came around. What better thing to do then sit and knit while the guys stare at the tube. Of course I took a break to enjoy the Who. So rather then use the ruffle yarn, that is frankly not frilly enough, I purchased tulle in brilliant colors to use instead. Oh my, I love the outcome.
They are so much fun. Nothing complicated but frilly fun tutu like gloves. I've already bought more yarn to make another pair. Super fun. Now I get to teach mother how to make gloves.
And last but not least, my new favorite toy. My cat has been more playful lately. Unfortunately she found her way into my bin of yarn and completely tangled and mangled a skein of eyelash yarn. It was an absolute mess! And this is only about 1/4th of the skein showing.
But with my new toy in about 45 min the skein turned into this!